THE SUMMER HAS OFFICIALLY BEGUN! The calendar says so. The rude ninety-degree temperatures agree. My children's schools have closed (more on the littlest one's untimely school closure in another post, because THIS POST IS ABOUT FUN!).
This is the first summer that I have had off since 1992. And holy crap, do I intend to enjoy it. It's the first time I'm playing cruise director to a bunch of little people. I'm curious to see how that goes. But we have collectively worked up the following scheduled:
Monday: ADVENTURE DAY! Wherein we take a day trip somewhere.
Tuesday: MOVIE & PLAYGROUND DAY! The awesome neighborhood movie theater down the street shows a freebie out-of-date kid movie at 10 a.m. The playground, well, that's just a bonus activity to burn off energy.
Wednesday: ERRAND DAY! Okay, that doesn't sound so awesome, I know. But, I had to squeeze it in there somewhere for me, as much as for them. There will be days when dermatologist, orthodontist, blah-de-blah-tist appointments are necessary. I feel like they'll handle it better if they know it'll only happen on Wednesdays.
Thursday: BALTIMORE DAY! Wherein we explore something in/around Baltimore. I need my kids to feel firmly rooted in all the good this city has to offer, so that as adults they can be helpful in the work that needs to be done to make it a better, safer place.
Can't wait for today's first adventure day...