Thursday, January 12, 2006

Don't Call Me Lloyd; Call Me Elise Keaton

(image courtesy of TV Show Central)
During my current job search, I've decided not to limit myself to a new incarnation of positions I've already had. In other words, I'd like to flex my brain muscle a bit, to stretch and to grow on the job. And I'm smart enough to know that I'm no career expert. So, when I logged into my account yesterday, I decided to plunk down a couple of dollars to purchase the "Right Job Report" from Tickle. I answered about 20 questions about my preferences, my decision-making styles, etc. My expectation was that the report would provide me with a bare bones analysis of the kinds of environments I'd thrive in, and then provide some job titles that would fit neatly within those environments.

Well, the report did do that...sort of. Here are the jobs the report suggested:

1) Architect
2) Psychologist
3) Chemist
4) Airplane Pilot
5) Flight Engineer
6) Veterinarian

Cripes! All of those occupations look fabulous, but I'm looking for a job to commence in the next 2 weeks, people! I don't have oh, I don't know, 4 - 8 years of education to invest in my next career move. This report just left me feeling like I'm a dummy for not having done an evaluation like this when I was sixteen.
Phew. Just needed to get that off my burgeoning Flight Engineer's chest.

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