Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Some Days I Feel Like a Marine

Which, come to think of it, is probably insulting to Marines.  Sorry Marines!  Me and my squishy middle-class life...

Anyway, there are some days when I am wildly productive before 9:00 a.m. (Yes, I KNOW the Marines say they get more done before 6:00 a.m. than most people do all day.  I'm SQUISHY, remember?)

My almost-three-year-old woke up at 4:00 a.m., so I handled his bidness (wet diaper), and climbed back into bed 'til 6:45 a.m. Then, I:

  • dressed myself in not-yoga-pants, 
  • flat-ironed my hair, 
  • made breakfast for the six and eight-year-old,
  • made breakfast for myself (and ate it while standing),
  • fixed a Nintendo 3DS that was acting up,
  • mixed up some turkey meatballs and popped them in the crock pot (I get bonus points for remembering to turn it on),
  • shoved the kids' lunches and water bottles into their backpacks;
  • brushed their hair (more bonus points: no one cried during this process);
  • found an alternative scarf for my daughter since she appears to worn her normal one while rolling around on a dead rodent;
  • inflated a Cleveland Browns' football for my son to take to school for recess;
  • talked education with one of my neighbors while we waited for the bus to pick up our kids;
  • and, investigated the sound of running water coming from the main pipe, which resulted in me messing around with the float in the basement bathroom.
Then, it was off to work, swiping off some lipstick, and sitting down at my desk by nine. Most of my day was spent in non-consecutive meetings. Always a joy!

Suddenly, my current exhaustion makes more sense.  I am hoping not to repeat most of these shenanigans tomorrow.  I mean, who in their right mind is hustling to blow up a football?  Don't they have those at school already? 

I'm such a sucker for those kids. Herm. I may have to re-think this whole marine analogy...

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